Nature Walk
Starting our walk she spotted the neighbors dog, Frisky. |
We go on walks all the time... nothing new about that! Tonight, however, we took a bucket and went on a nature walk down to the stream. We collected rocks, leaves, flowers, and twigs! We talked about the water and things we saw! It was a lot of fun and really wore her out for bed! I'm hoping it means she will sleep in!!!!

If there is one thing I can pick about Hailey that I absolutely adore (and I know that I just want to say everything...but I won't!) it's her curiosity! She is always asking "what's that" and starting a couple weeks ago, she is starting to repeat words and names of things. I'll be honest and say sometimes I get a little annoyed when it is "what's that...what's that...what's that..." over and over again, especially when I know she knows the word, but I really do love that about her. I thought going on this little walk to an area we don't go to as much and collect some items would really peak her interest, and it did! She carried her own bucket almost all the way there and back and her favorite thing to pick up was the rocks! She loves rocks for some reason... always playing with them in the area around our patio. I was inspired by an activity I saw where the child wears a tape bracelet made out of packing tape or something similar and collects things to make a nature bracelet. Well I know Hailey is a little to young to want to do that, so I thought a bucket would be great and I am thinking maybe tomorrow we will try to make a nature collage with our findings. We have never done anything with glue yet, so I am a little nervous, but we are going to give it a try!
Showing her finding to her daddy |
Checking out the stream |
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