Tot Spot: New Activity # 36 - Painting Houses

Hailey kind of came up with this activity on her own and I helped facilitate it and open it up for more exploration. I walked out back where Hailey and her daddy were playing and Hailey had a paintbrush in her hand. Well, I had a cup of water in my hand, which I intended to drink. Rather, I poured it in a plastic play cup and we proceeded to "paint" Hailey's chalkboard. I showed her how to dip the brush in the cup and paint the board. She did this for a little and really seemed to be enjoying herself. Then she had the brilliant idea to paint her playhouse! She walked over to the patio where he playhouse sits and started painting the outside like she was a housepainter! We never had our house painted, and I don't recall her seeing any neighbors paint their house, so this imaginative play floored me! I was so proud of her imagination! It was just water, so no damage, but LOTS of fun! After we painted the house, we painted our motorcycle and we painted mommy too! She painted my hair and face and we laughed together the whole time! My little chicky is really the light of my life and she had so much fun with something so simple! What an awesome, impromptu, Hailey-driven activity!

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