Well, I haven't been very bloggy this week because Monday is the start of the new school year and I am student teaching (my last step in getting my certification!) plus Monday is my grandmother's 80th birthday and we are having a surprise party for her on Saturday so it has been helping my coop teachers get their classrooms ready plus getting myself reading along with trying to help my mom with the party on top of all the other things a wife and momma needs to do! It has been kind of hectic!

Although we did not do any new activities, rather we stuck to some of the old favorites like painting, going for walks, and just having some fun...we did find some awesome things at the flea market! My mom got Hailey an easel, something I had on our list of things to buy for $5! It's a red Step Two and folds nicely. Then, we all went up to the flea market and found a Little Tikes Boat for $8 that rocks and Hailey can drive! She wore my dads old navy hat and had a blast on my moms patio all afternoon! It was funny because she would only go in the boat if she had on the hat, she is funny like that! We left it at my moms and were going to bring it home this weekend but we found another on craigslist for $5 and so she will have one here and one at her Mimi and Poppy's house too!
We were originally looking for a cozy coupe car, because she loves the grocery store cart and she has a mini-version for her dolls to go shopping in at home. Our only hesitation is that she won't be able to push it around and move. Maybe in a few more months... But this boat lets her steer, shift, and rock, so it is perfect!

I am very excited to do some easel painting this week! I hope to make it out to our local craft store for some no spill paint cups for the easel. I am just debating if I want to set it up out front or out back!
Anyhoo, I am going to do my best to keep blogging at least a couple times a week, but it won't be every day anymore. With student teaching, I am going to have a lot of work to do. I am going to keep doing my activities with Hailey and will try to post a couple at a time a couple times a week! I am definitely not going to be slacking on being a fun momma, but blogging might have to wait! I hope your enjoying everything I do with Hailey and I hope you are inspired to try new things with your toddlers too! Become a follower, join on facebook and twitter, and share my blog with your friends! The more followers and readers I have, the more the will blog!
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